Saturday, April 7, 2012

The Truth about Taxes: Just About Everyone Pays Them

Who Pays Taxes? A closer look reveals that nearly all Americans do, in fact, pay taxes.

A popular myth swirling around Washington, DC, and throughout the media these days is that many Americans do not pay taxes, and are therefore free-riding off of our society without contributing themselves.

This has even been referred to by some as a “new orthodoxy.” The origin of this misconception is the observation that only about 54 percent of American households paid federal income taxes during recession-affected 2011. But that statistic is misleading because it provides an incomplete picture of the overall tax burden on American families, and because it incorporates individuals who naturally shouldn’t be paying taxes because of their age or economic circumstances due to the Recession.

A closer look reveals that nearly all Americans do, in fact, pay taxes.

All American Investor

Read More: The Truth about Taxes: Just About Everyone Pays Them

Also see: GOP Candidates: Too Many Americans Pay No Taxes